Jimmy Kimmel | Celebrities Read Mean Tweets #4
Jimmy Kimmel | Celebrities Read Mean Tweets #3
Jimmy Kimmel | Celebrities Read Mean Tweets #2
Jimmy Kimmel | Celebrities Read Mean Tweets #1
06 04 14
Advertising SPOTTED. Ritz-Carlton | Six-word wows. Taking off of the popular online creative exercise known as six-word memoirs and six-word stories, the latest campaign (by agency Team One Advertising) for the hotel brand is an example of the growing role that brand storytelling is playing in consumer marketing. The campaign assumes the trending storytelling approach rather than traditional marketing/selling helps brands stand out amid the formidable advertising clutter. Another obvious assumption would be that the new abbreviated stories are more shareable via social media. Imagery a little too stock looking. Simplicity of layout and copy all strong. Just remember. Execution counts. Always has…