Ramping up… Spring has (finally) sprung. Wild leek/ramp time. Yipeee…


Talking dogs take on cause marketing… Gotta love the talking animal video genre (sometimes). We have to loyally stand by the talented Andrew Grantham, creator of the beloved Ultimate Dog Tease video. This time Granthan is back with a different rescue dog, who really wants a rescue playmate. Campaign is for Pets Add Life which aims to increase pet adoption and responsible ownership. Admittedly, not as hysterically funny as original (currently clocking over 135 million views on YouTube), but good for more than a few laughs. It is rather surprising that a mega pet food brand or their agency hasn’t snatched up Granthan for a big budget campaign. The small screen charm might be lost, but we sure smell the sweet scent of advertising awards and scores of devoted social media fans…


Marketing or sponsored deception

Marketing or sponsored deception…  Sponsors Now Pay for Online Articles, Not Just Ads by Tanzina Vega. New York Times piece looks at the increasingly popular trend of online publishers selling advertisers on sponsoring or creating content posing as editorial. Not a new concept by any means, previously labelled “advertorial”, branded content (aka sponsored content, native advertising, etc.) is taking off online in a big way. Advantages are bigger dollar relationships for the publisher and considerably more cheaper content to populate web pages. Questionable downside is whether content diminishes the value of the overall editorial product or if readers/visitors are led astray with content that is written with the sponsor’s obviously-biased intent in mind. Like before in the magazine world with advertorials, publishers just need to safeguard their own brand by prudently working with advertisers or partners to market their wares and keep the audience in mind when presenting this hybrid material. Sounds simple enough in the right hands…


For your favorite web colorist… A simple yet incredibly useful little tool, color.hailpixel.com allows you to scan your browser window for the perfect color, then copy the hex code with just a single click.


Inspired edge… Insightful profile at online men’s clothing retailer mrporter.com, looking at designer Rick Owens and his latest inspiration cues. The Californian native and Parisian resident, known for his primal, tribal intensity combined with expert production (Italy, of course) has become a brand beloved by models, attractive street kids (with big clothing allowances) and a chunk of the coveted fashion editorial set. "An American’s idea of French sophistication and finesse and chic,” according to the designer himself. If black, tough, modern (post-modern maybe) with a bit more than a little edge is your thing… 


Why desire trumps passion… Interesting outtake of article by Mark Wilson from foodie mag, Lucky Peach with Thomas Keller, culinary giant behind The French Laundry, Per Se and Bouchon. Discusses Keller’s thoughts on passion vs. desire with passion coming in as the runner up. Not sure anything is the definitive truth here, but always fascinating to hear the masters of their craft share their humble or almighty take on life, success and the pursuit of the perfect roast chicken…


The write words

incidentalcomics: Illustration for the 3/31 NYT Sunday Review and NYT Opinionator Draft essay “Those Irritating Verbs-as-Nouns.” Ain’t it the truth…
