For the good fight

Well done video/Great cause… The Girl Effect is the powerful social and economic change brought about when girls have the opportunity to participate. It’s an untapped force in the fight against poverty, and it’s driven by champions around the globe: the Nike Foundation, the NoVo Foundation, the UN Foundation, the Coalition for Adolescent Girls, CARE, Plan, the Population Council, ICRW and the Center for Global Development and many others. Love the video… Love the cause… Check it out. Learn more at and join the movement at


Social media: sales vs. influence

Stephen Baker for the New York Times on the evolution of social media in the marketing mix for leading consumer brands. Solid discussion of both the explosion of social media, the role of data collection, the importance of measurable results and how marketers are trying to come to terms with expectations for ROI. Looks like leading brands are now recognizing its growing role in influence, brand building and promotion vs. hard sales. More than reasonable we think…
