10 31 20

Encouraging behavior for the greater good

Today, Google has replaced their homepage logo with a signature brand “doogle”  that informs people exactly how to vote. The new modified logo depicts a variety of traditional pin buttons encouraging you to “Go Vote” in Tuesday’s election. Clicking the artwork brings you to a “#election2020” tool providing all of the important dates and deadlines for your state, along with guidelines on voter eligibility. All of the information in Google’s tool comes courtesy of the website HowTo.vote, maintained by Democracy Works, “a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to changing the status quo.” Although we have never been big fans of the aesthetic of these Google adapted logos, the company should be applauded for its nonpartisan effort here. Hopefully, given the search giant’s massive reach, the impact will be noteworthy. We hope everyone either has voted already or will vote in the next few days. And please, encourage love ones and others in your circle to do the same. 
