09 24 13

Burritos and big ideas

In what is definitely the most cinematic video brought to you by a Mexican food chain ever, Chipotle introduces audiences to their free iOS game, Chipotle Scarecrow. Moonbot Studios created the dystopian fantasy world featured in the video, and Fiona Apple pushes the emotions further with her hauntingly perfect rendition of “Pure Imagination” from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The point of the game is to save the City of Plenty from an evil food corporation, Crow Foods, that is adding genetically engineered ingredients to food. The game’s plan is in line with Chipotle’s “Food with Integrity” motto. The video may seem more like an Oscar-worthy short than a promotion for an electronic game, but we appreciate Chipotle’s smart and high-quality launch effort. Hopefully, signs of more creative efforts to come. So grab a Tecate, sit back and let the video roll. WARNING: a few tears may follow…
