Rebranding for North American metal recycling company
Strategy, name change, brand identity, brand positioning and messaging platforom for metal recycling company (founded in 1906 in Portland, Oregon). Operates facilities located in 25 states, Puerto Rico, and Western Canada. The company also includes 50 stores which sell serviceable used auto parts from salvaged vehicles and receive over 4.1 million annual retail visits. Steel operations produce finished steel products, including rebar, wire rod and other specialty products. A new positioning strategy led to the creation of a new name (Radius Recycling). The name puts the emphasis on the company’s core value proposition as recycling leader. In addition, the “us” in “Radius” brings focus to the company’s committed workforce. We love the vibrant orange arrow which also forms the letter R, evoking transformation, recycling, and renewal in a modern, accessible way. The steel blue and safety orange accents work to help clarify business and the company’s role in the new economy.