05 15 14

Words matter

Packaging SPOTTED. Cultivating Thought | Chipotle. The fast-casual burrito brand famous for their un-branded advertising introduces its new packaging curated by renowned author Jonathan Safran Foer. The new literary packaging—bags and cups printed with new writing from ten celebrity authors, comedians and thought-leaders including Malcolm Gladwell, Sheri Fink, Toni Morrison, George Saunders along with comedian Sarah Silverman, director Judd Apatow and SNL star Bill Hader. “We live in a world in which there is shrinking space for literature and writing, and less time than ever for quiet reflection,” said Foer. “The idea of expanding the space and time, of creating a small pocket of thoughtfulness right in the middle of the busy day, was inspiring to me – particularly given the size and diversity of the audience, which is America itself.” The stories are paired with commissioned illustrations and graphics that support the themes in each story. Major points for distinctiveness here. Enough with the branding to death and promotional wasteland. Watch for copycats or imitations. Yes, the highest form of flattery…
