05 02 13

The wonder that is the hipster

How I Became a Hipster, the all too amusing New York Times piece that chronicles author Henry Alford’s weekend in Brooklyn, as he tries to understand all the crazy things that “young folk” (in this case study, the hipster) are into these days. Apparently, Brooklyn is now known globally to represent what is cool. Alford points out that, “It’s been strange to live across the river from a place that suddenly becomes a cultural reference point — not unlike having your dachshund become an overnight celebrity. Part of you wonders, Why him and not Aunt Barbara?“ The piece is cleverly packed with just about every reference one could assemble in one piece of journalism including the obvious propensity toward facial hair, vintage bikes, locally grown food (Williamsburg being the borough’s “kale-loving epicenter”), artisanal mayonnaise, plaid shirts, quirkier “literature”, Robertas, Mast Brothers Chocolate, the Wythe Hotel and of course the HBO hit, Girls. Always nice to stay on top of trends (for the job, of course), but way cool to be so entertained by the musings of Mr. Alford. Obvi…
