01 27 12

More on corporate innovation and creativity… With all this news, praise and marvel at Apple’s rise to the top of the heap of corporate giants (with a good dose of less than flattering publicity on their manufacturing conditions overseas), Steve Lohr takes a look at both trends and differing styles of innovation and creativity with companies today. He highlights well known differences between Apple (“more edited, intuitive and top-down”) and Google (“relies on rapid experimentation and data”). The piece also cites the fact that the National Science Foundation has adopted a more aggressive strategy to increase commercialization of the university research and how GE is actively looking to increase the pace of innovation. With all this attention and analysis of what defines innovation, can we expect another wave of extraordinary advances and a new growth spurt or dare we say bubble? And don’t forget all that big corporate cash squirreled away for the last couple years… Think creative(ly).
